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KIM Youngnam

영화감독 및 미술작가로 활동중이다. 퍼포먼스와 영상을 위주로 작업하고 있다. 그의 영화와 영상작업은 삶의 균형이 깨어질 때 일어나는 불안, 불확실성, 기이한 상황들과 정서들을 다루고 있다. 그의 작품들은 여러 국제영화제 및 국내외 갤러리에서 상영되었다.

He works as a filmmaker and an artist living and working in Seoul. He has been working on performance and visual art projects. His films and visual works deal with anxiety, uncertainty and uncanny things that arise when the life's valance breaks. His works have been screened, exhibited and awarded in various international film festival.

I’m a filmmaker and video artist living and working in Seoul. I create colourful, playful, character-based filmmaking and video arts across a range of different platforms and mediums. My films deal with anxiety, uncertainty and uncanny things that arise when the life's balance breaks. My works have been screened, exhibited and awarded in various international film festival in Cannes, Locarno, Milano, Nancy, Barcelona, Tokyo, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Fukuoka, Osaka, Buenos Aires, New York, LA, Busan, Jeonju and galleries in New York, Cologne, Arnhem, Girona, Jakarta, GCC and Daegu. I also specialize digital media storytelling.


2017 Media Contents(Film / Media and Psychology), Ajou University, Ph.D Candidate
2013 Video Arts, The Korean National University of Arts, MFA
2001 Filmmaking, The Korean National University of Arts, BFA
1996 Computer Engineering, Ajou University, BA


2021 'Tale of His Disappearance 2', Memory Factory 1945, Suncheon, South Korea
2020 'Tale of His Disappearance', Horanggasy Creative Studio, Gwangju, South Korea
2020 'Perforated Reality', Cabinet, Seoul, South Korea
2012 ‘Unknown Moment, T0’, Gallery 175, Seoul, South Korea
2006 ‘Dir. KIM Youngnam's Films' Special Screening', Film Forum, Seoul, South Korea

2022 '   ', Horanggasy ArtPolygon, Gwangju, South Korea
2021 'Art Node', H ART LAB, Seoul, South Korea
2021 '8+2', Hyangdam Gallery, Gwangju, South Korea
2021 'The Uncanny', Afternoon of Artist's Room. Suncheon, South Korea
2021 '22nd Shinsegae Finalists' Exhibition', Gwangju Shinsegae Gallery, Gwangju, South Korea
2021 'Space', Chongsong Art Museum, KBS2TV "Dali and Gamjatang", South Korea
2021 'Whispering', Horanggasy Creative Studio, Gwangju, South Korea
2020 '21st Shinsegae Finalists' Exhibition', Gwangju Shinsegae Gallery, Gwangju, South Korea
2020 'Neomixed Era with Neobalanced Encounter', Video Exhibition, GEUMGANG NATURE ART BIENNALE, Gongju, South Korea
2020 '無始', MUDOHWARANG, Seoul, South Korea
2020 'One Day One Surrealism', MONACO Space, Seoul, South Korea
2019 'Industrial Contents', Hammer Theatre, San Jose, USA
2018 'Connect', EU ERAM, Girona, Spain
2015 'Sympathy', The Pacific Sutera Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
2015 'Face', SVA Flatiron Gallery, New York, USA
2014 ‘Cinema Killed The Video Star’, Gallery 175, Seoul, South Korea
2013 ‘GCC Open Studio’, Gyeonggi Creation Center(GCC), Gyeonggi Art Museum/Gyeonggi Culture Foundation, Ansan, South Korea
2013 ‘Karts Visual Arts MFA Exhibition, Gallery 175, Seoul, South Korea
2012 ‘The Film-An Another Word’, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, South Korea
2012 ‘Seon-Gam’, Gyeonggi Creation Center(GCC), Gyeonggi Art Museum/Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation, Ansan, South Korea
2012 ‘GCC Open Studio’, Gyeonggi Creation Center(GCC), Gyeonggi Art Museum/Gyeonggi Culture Foundation, Ansan, South Korea
2011 ‘A Gap,  Other Things’, BOKDO Gallery, Karts, Seoul, South Korea
2011 ‘Testing The Water’, SHOWROOM Arnhem, Arnhem, Netherlands
2010 ‘A Series of Biography about the Youth’, Kring Cinema, KUMHO Asiana, Seoul, South Korea
2009 ‘Awkward Harmony’, KHM GlasMoog-MinusEins-Foyer Gallery, Cologne, Germany
2009 ‘MFA Open Studio’, Korean National University of Arts, Seoul, South Korea
2009 ‘I-UM (Connect)’, K-arts Gallery, Korean National University of Arts, Seoul, South Korea
2009 ‘Suggestive Moments’, Space HaaM, Seoul, South Korea
2009 ‘Managing Utopia’, Gallery 175, Seoul, South Korea
2003 ‘Dream of Pegasus’, Main Film, Gyeongju World Culture Expo, Gyeongju, South Korea
2001 ‘Cross Over', Mimesis Art Festival, Ssamzie Space, Seoul, South Korea
1997 ‘Our Photo Story’, KODAK Yeongang Hall, Seoul, South Korea

2020 Art Wave2, Hae Dong Art & Culture Platform, 1027-1101, Damyang, South Korea
2020 Visual Artist Market - New Wave of Local Arts, Gwangju, South Korea
2020 'Tongjjwa's Confession', Collaboration with Tongjjwa , Cabinet, South Korea
2015 WEB Drama 'Start Love', NAVER, South Korea
2015 TV Drama 'Don't Lose Mind', tvN/TV Chosun, South Korea


2021 Chungmuro Film Festival-Director's Week, Seoul, South Korea
2021 MITAk Film Festival, Seoul, Seouth Korea
2020 Chungmuro Film Festival-Director's Week, Opening Film, South Korea

2020 Korea's Films' Week in Spain (Madrid-Barcelona, Spain)
2019 7th Asian Film Festival Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
2018 23rd Busan International Film Festival, Busan, South Korea

2019 25th Nancy International Film Festival, Nancy, France
2016 16th Milano International Film Festival, Milano, Italy

2015 tvN/TV Chosun, South Korea

2013 Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, South Korea
2012 5th KAFFNY(Korean American Film Festival), New York, USA

2008 Busan-West Film Festival, LA, USA
2007 9th Taipei Film Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 31st Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong
2007 20th Singapore International Film Festival, Singapore
2006 9th Buenos Aires Int'l Independent Film Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2006 6th Gwangju International Film Festival, Gwangju, South Korea
2006 16th Fukuoka International Film Festival(Focus on Asia), Fukuoka, Japan
2006 Osaka Korea Films' Week, Osaka, Japan
2006 7th Jeonju International Film Festival, Jeonju, South Korea
2006 59th Locarno International Film Festival, Locarno, Swithzerland
2005 6th NHK Asian Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan

2018 27th MITAK Film Festival, Seoul, Korea
2018 International Digital Design Invitation Exhibition, Mokpo, South Korea

2013 1st ARKIPEL Int'l Documentary and Experimental FF, Jakarta, Indonesia

2009 10th Jeonju International Film Festival, Jeonju, South Korea
2009 SHOWROOM Arnhem, Arnhem, Netherlands
2009 11st Cinemanila International Film Festival, Manila, Philippines
2009 Indie Forum (Independent Film & Video Maker's Forum), Seoul, South Korea

2009 KHM GlasMooq-MinusEins-Foyer Gallery, Cologne, Germany
2006 6th Gwangju International Film Festival, Gwangju, South Korea
2006 Dir. KIM Youngnam's Films' Special Screening, Film Forum, Seoul, South Korea
2005 3 films from Busan Int'l Film Festival, Korean Film Archive, Seoul, South Korea
2005 10th Busan International Film Festival, Busan, South Korea

2001 54th Cannes Film Festival, Cannes, France
2001 14th Tokyo International Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan
2001 Rio de Janeiru Int'l Film Festival, Rio de Janeiru, Brazil
2001 Hong Kong Korean Film Festival, Hong Kong

2001 6th International Film Festival of Kerala, Kerala, India
2001 3rd Taipei Film Festival / Golden Lion Int'l Student Film Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
2000 Broadcasting 100th Screening Program, EBS, South Korea


2021 '그의 사라짐에 관하여 2', 기억공장 1945, 순천, 대한민국
2020 '그의 사라짐에 관하여', 호랑가시나무창작소, 광주, 대한민국
2020 '구멍난 현실', (예술공간)제비다방 CTR 회의실, 서울, 대한민국
2012 ‘알려지지 않은 순간, T0’, 갤러리 175, 서울, 대한민국
2006 ‘김영남 감독 중편 특별전’, 필름포럼, 서울, 대한민국

2022 '얼마나 오렌지', 호랑가시나무창작소, 광주, 대한민국
2021 'Art Node', H ART LAB, 서울, 대한민국
2021 '8+2의 사용법', 향담갤러리, 광주, 대한민국
2021 '더 언캐니', 작업실의 오후, 순천, 대한민국
2021 '22회 신세계미술제 1차선정 작가전', 광주신세계갤러리, 광주, 대한민국
2021 'Space', 청송미술관, KBS2TV "달리와 감자탕", 대한민국
2021 '당신의 ㅅㅈㅅㅈ', 호랑가시나무창작소, 광주, 대한민국
2020 'Connected Mind', 호랑가시나무언덕, 광주, 대한민국
2020 '21회 신세계미술제 1차선정 작가전', 광주신세계갤러리, 광주, 대한민국
2020 '신섞기시대', '나무의 언어', 비디오 전시, 금강자연미술비엔날레, 공주, 대한민국
2020 '無始', 무도화랑, 서울, 대한민국
2020 '원 데이 원 쉬르리얼리즘', 모나코 스페이스, 서울, 대한민국
2019 'Industrial Contents', 해머극장, 산호세, 미국
2018 '커넥트', EU ERAM, 지로나, 스페인
2015 '공감', The Pacific Sutera 호텔, 코타 키나발루, 말레이시아
2015 '얼굴', SVA Flatiron 갤러리, 뉴욕, 미국
2014 ‘Cinema Killed The Video Star’, 갤러리 175, 서울, 대한민국
2013 ‘경기창작센터 오픈스튜디오’, 경기창작센터, 경기도미술관/경기문화재단, 경기도, 대한민국
2013 ‘한국예술종합학교 미술원 전문사 졸업전시회’, 갤러리 175, 서울, 대한민국
2012 ‘The Film-또 다른 언어들’, 대구미술관, 대구광역시, 대한민국
2012 ‘선감’, 경기창작센터, 경기도미술관/경기문화재단, 경기도, 대한민국
2012 ‘경기창작센터 오픈스튜디오’, 경기창작센터, 경기도미술관/경기문화재단, 경기도, 대한민국
2011 ‘틈, 그 밖의 것들’, 복도갤러리, 한국예술종합학교, 서울, 대한민국
2011 ‘Testing The Water’, SHOWROOM Arnhem, 아른헴, 네델란드
2010 ‘청춘 열전’, 크링시네마, 금호아시아나, 서울, 대한민국
2009 ‘Awkward Harmony’, KHM GlasMoog-MinusEins-Foyer Gallery, 퀼른, 독일
2009 ‘전문사 오픈 스튜디오’, 한국예술종합학교, 서울, 대한민국
2009 ‘이음’, K-arts Gallery, 한국예술종합학교, 서울, 대한민국
2009 ‘Suggestive Moments’, 스페이스 함, 서울, 대한민국
2009 ‘유토피아 관리’, 갤러리 175, 서울, 대한민국
2003 ‘천마의 꿈’, 주제영상, 경주세계문화엑스포, 경주, 대한민국
2001 ‘미메시스 영상미술제’, 쌈지 스페이스, 서울, 대한민국
1997 ‘우리 사진 이야기’, 코닥 연강홀, 서울, 대한민국

2020 예술산책2-예술이 공존하는 세계, 해동문화예술촌,  1027-1101, 담양, 대한민국
2020 작가미술장터 - 광주아트페어, 광주, 대한민국
2020 '통쫘의 고백', 구혜영(통쫘)와 협력, (예술공간) 회의실, 서울, 대한민국
2015 웹드라마 '스타트 러브', NAVER, 대한민국
2015 TV드라마 '놓지말자 정신줄', tvN/TV Chosun, 대한민국

상영 및 영화제 초청

과거에서 온 영화
2021 충무로 영화제-감독주간, 서울, 대한민국
2021 미탁영화제, 서울, 대한민국
2020 충무로 영화제-감독주간, 개막작, 서울, 대한민국

오리의 웃음
2020 Korea's Films' Week in Spain (Madrid-Barcelona, Spain)
​2020 MITAK Film Festival, Seoul, South Korea
2019 7th Asian Film Festival Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
2018 23rd Busan International Film Festival, Busan, South Korea

어떤 방문
2019 25th Nancy International Film Festival, Nancy, France
2016 16th Milano International Film Festival, Milano, Italy

놓지말자 정신줄
2015 tvN/TV조선, 대한민국

2013 Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, South Korea
2012 5th KAFFNY(Korean American Film Festival), New York, USA

내 청춘에게 고함
2008 Busan-West Film Festival, LA, USA
2007 9th Taipei Film Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 31st Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong
2007 20th Singapore International Film Festival, Singapore
2006 9th Buenos Aires Int'l Independent Film Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2006 6th Gwangju International Film Festival, Gwangju, South Korea
2006 16th Fukuoka International Film Festival(Focus on Asia), Fukuoka, Japan
2006 Osaka Korea Films' Week, Osaka, Japan
2006 7th Jeonju International Film Festival, Jeonju, South Korea
2006 59th Locarno International Film Festival, Locarno, Swithzerland
2005 6th NHK Asian Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan

조각난 시간
2018 27th MITAK Film Festival, Seoul, Korea
2018 International Digital Design Invitation Exhibition, Mokpo, South Korea

2013 1st ARKIPEL Int'l Documentary and Experimental FF, Jakarta, Indonesia

백개의 못, 사슴의 뿔
2009 10th Jeonju International Film Festival, Jeonju, South Korea
2009 SHOWROOM Arnhem, Arnhem, Netherlands
2009 11st Cinemanila International Film Festival, Manila, Philippines
2009 Indie Forum (Independent Film & Video Maker's Forum), Seoul, South Korea

뜨거운 차 한잔
2009 KHM GlasMooq-MinusEins-Foyer Gallery, Cologne, Germany
2006 6th Gwangju International Film Festival, Gwangju, South Korea
2006 Dir. KIM Youngnam's Films' Special Screening, Film Forum, Seoul, South Korea
2005 3 films from Busan Int'l Film Festival, Korean Film Archive, Seoul, South Korea
2005 10th Busan International Film Festival, Busan, South Korea

나는 날아가고 너는 마법에 걸려 있으니까...
2001 54th Cannes Film Festival, Cannes, France
2001 14th Tokyo International Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan
2001 Rio de Janeiru Int'l Film Festival, Rio de Janeiru, Brazil
2001 Hong Kong Korean Film Festival, Hong Kong

길 위의 여름
2001 6th International Film Festival of Kerala, Kerala, India
2001 3rd Taipei Film Festival / Golden Lion Int'l Student Film Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
2000 Broadcasting 100th Screening Program, EBS, South Korea


2018 Excellence Award, 2018 Spring International Digital Design Invitation Exhibition, Mokpo, South Korea
2016. Grant. Selected Art Film Production Support Project, KOFIC, South Korea
2016. Nominee in The Best Film, The Performing of Female, 16th Milano Int'l FF, Milano, Italy
2016. Grant, Selected International Co-Production Planing & Development Support Project, KOFIC, South Korea
2016. Excellence Award, JPM/JPP Pitching Project, Jeonju Int'l Film Festival, South Korea
2015. Grant, Selected International Co-Production Planing & Development Support Project, KOFIC, South Korea
2009 Opening Film, 10th Jeonju International Film Festival, Jeonju, South Korea
2007. Special Jury Prize, 9th Taipei Film Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
2006. FIPRESCI Prize, 69th Locarno International Film Festival, Locarno, Switzerland
2006. NETPAC Award, 69th Locarno International Film Festival, Locarno, Switzerland
2006 Closing Film, 7th Jeonju International Film Festival, Jeonju, South Korea
2005. Sonje Award (for the best short), Busan International Film Festival, Busan, South Korea
2004. Selected film in  Co-Production Project with NHK, 6th NHK Asian Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan
2004. APM PPP/NDIF Project, Busan International Film Festival, Busan, South Korea
2003. Selected Finalist 11 Projects, Residence In Paris, Cannes Film Festival, Paris, France
2001. Nominee in Asian Film Award, 14th Tokyo International Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan
2001. Cinefondation, 54th Cannes Film Festival, Cannes, France

2021 H ART LAB, Hoban Cultural Foundation, Seoul, South Korea
2020 Artist Residency at HORANGGASY Creative Studio, Gwangju, South Korea
2019 Artist Residency Program at TOJI Cultural Center, TOJI Cultural Foundation, Wonju, South Korea
2014 Artist Residency Program at TOJI Cultural Center, TOJI Cultural Foundation, Wonju, South Korea
2013 Artist Residency Program at GCC(Gyeonggi Creation Center) Residency, Gyeonggi Culture Foundation, Ansan, KOREA
2012 Jeju Residency Program, Jeju Film Council, Jeju, South Korea
2011 Jeonbuk Residency Program, Jeonbuk Provincial Government, Jeonju, Korea


2018. Disordered Narrative Time of HONG Sangsoo's 'Hill of Freedom'(2014), 2018-10-11, The Asian conference on Media, communication & Film, IAFOR, Tokyo, Japan
2016. Narrative Layers of David Lynch's 'Mulholland Drive'(2001), 2016-12-02, The Korea Digital Contents Association, Seoul, Korea

PUBLICATION (Storytelling)
2001-2007 Comic Book TOJI (Total 16 series), Novelist PARK GYUNGRI, Artist OH SE-YOUNG, Story, Maronie Books, South Korea
2002 Comic Book Dr. HEOJUN and the Medical Book DONG-EUI-BO-GAM, Story, Kook-il Media, South Korea
2001 Comic Book I Love Hamster, Story, Gyelim.com, Gyelimbook Press

수상 및 레지던시

2018 Excellence Award, 2018 Spring International Digital Design Invitation Exhibition, Mokpo, South Korea
2016. Grant. Selected Art Film Production Support Project, KOFIC, South Korea
2016. Nominee in The Best Film, The Performing of Female, 16th Milano Int'l FF, Milano, Italy
2016. Grant, Selected International Co-Production Planing & Development Support Project, KOFIC, South Korea
2016. Excellence Award, JPM/JPP Pitching Project, Jeonju Int'l Film Festival, South Korea
2015. Grant, Selected International Co-Production Planing & Development Support Project, KOFIC, South Korea
2009 Opening Film, 10th Jeonju International Film Festival, Jeonju, South Korea
2007. Special Jury Prize, 9th Taipei Film Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
2006. FIPRESCI Prize, 69th Locarno International Film Festival, Locarno, Switzerland
2006. NETPAC Award, 69th Locarno International Film Festival, Locarno, Switzerland
2006 Closing Film, 7th Jeonju International Film Festival, Jeonju, South Korea
2005. Sonje Award (for the best short), Busan International Film Festival, Busan, South Korea
2004. Selected film in  Co-Production Project with NHK, 6th NHK Asian Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan
2004. APM PPP/NDIF Project, Busan International Film Festival, Busan, South Korea
2003. Selected Finalist 11 Projects, Residence In Paris, Cannes Film Festival, Paris, France
2001. Nominee in Asian Film Award, 14th Tokyo International Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan
2001. Cinefondation, 54th Cannes Film Festival, Cannes, France

2021 H ART LAB, 호반문화재단, 서울, 대한민국
2020 호랑가시나무창작소, 광주, 대한민국
2019 예술가 레지던시, 토지문화관, 토지재단/강원문화재단, 원주, 대한민국 ‌
2014 예술가 레지던시, 토지문화관, 토지재단/강원문화재단, 원주, 대한민국 ‌
2013 예술가 레지던시, 경기창작센터(GCC), 경기도미술관/경기문화재단, 안산, 대한민국‌
2012 제주레지던시, 제주영상위원회, 제주, 대한민국‌
2011 전북레지던시, 진안, 대한민국 ‌

출판 및 연구

2018. Disordered Narrative Time of HONG Sangsoo's 'Hill of Freedom'(2014), 2018-10-11, The Asian conference on Media, communication & Film, IAFOR, Tokyo, Japan
2016. Narrative Layers of David Lynch's 'Mulholland Drive'(2001), 2016-12-02, The Korea Digital Contents Association, Seoul, Korea

출판 (Storytelling)
2001-2007 만화 토지 (총 16권), 박경리 소설가/오세영 작가, 스토리 구성, 마로니에 북스, 대한민국
2002 만화 허준과 동의보감, 스토리 구성, 국일 미디어, 대한민국
2001 만화 I Love 햄스터, 스토리 구성, 계림닷컴, 대한민국


Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, MS-Office


Planning / ‌HTML /‌ Javascript /‌ Computer Engineering